5 Simple LinkedIn Profile Tips That Will Get You Noticed By Recruiters and Managers
Written by Connel Valentine on 28th Jan 2022
We've been interviewing a lot of recruiters lately. Trying to get insider knowledge on what gets a job seeker's candidacy to stand out to them.

While every recruiter has different styles and priorities, one thing is a constant - LinkedIn.

Recruiters are now taking control of their talent search. They want to impress the heck out of their clients – hiring managers looking for the perfect candidate.

"You want talent? I'll get you talent!"

And they log on to their premium LinkedIn Talent Solutions account to run advance searches to find the right people.

What does this mean for you? If your LinkedIn profile isn't polished, you are missing out on big opportunities.

So here are 5 super simple LinkedIn tips you can implement right now, that will get a recruiter to pay attention to your profile.

Tip #1 Update Your Profile Pic
Your profile pics is what will immediately jump out at the recruiter. They are going to look at that picture, and ask themselves "Does this person seem likeable?" "Will my client will get along with them."

As unbiased as they'd want to be, recruiters are human too. Which means they'd do the same thing you would when you see a person's picture for the first time.

So make sure you have a profile picture that boosts your likability and trust factor.

Need ideas? Check Google images for "LinkedIn Profile Headshot"

Tip #2 Sharpen your Headline
Right under your name, is your headline. This is prime real estate for keywords, and LinkedIn's algorithms is paying the most attention to these words to match what recruiters are looking for.

Make sure the target job title you're going after is in your headline so that you show up in their searches.

Tip #3 Fill Your Summary With Accomplishments
Reader don't need to see a task list of your responsibilities. They also want to know how you made a difference to the organization and what makes you a better candidate than everybody else.
Ask yourself these coaching questions – "What makes me great at mob job?" "Why am I an asset to my manager?" "If I'm not around, why would my colleagues miss me?"

Answers to these questions need to show up in your summary, complimented with quantifiable results that provides context to the reader.

Tip #4 Become a Fan of the Company
Imagine if a recruiter finds your profile, and sees that you are already following the company she represents.

It will create the impression that you're really interested in working for that organization, given the chance. And interest in the role is just as important than being qualified for it.

Tip #5 Recommendations and Endorsements
What's the first thing you do when buying a new product on Amazon? You check the reviews right?

Your recommendations section is like those reviews.

So reach out to people who can give you those recommendations, first to those whom you know will do you favours quite easily, and then to those who need a little bit of encouragement. (Giving them recommendations first, usually helps)
Get Found, Get Hired
Don't underestimate the power of LinkedIn. While you may be fully focused on your resumé, keeping LinkedIn as an after thought will hurt your job search.

In the age of social media, recruiters are taking control of applicants they filter by taking this targeted approach by scouting for talent themselves on LinkedIn.

Follow these tips to get found and impress recruiters if you want your phone to start buzzing with job interview calls.
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About the Author: Connel Valentine

Connel helps newcomers and residents of Canada that have 3+ years of professional experience, find jobs that fit their experience and skills, that pays $80K-$140K per year. He blends modern job search strategies with old-fashioned marketing that gets a response from every job application.
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