Meet Your Resume Writing Team
Connel Valentine
Professional resume writer and job search coach, Connel helps job seekers in Canada get more job interviews through a tried-and-tested methodology he's perfected for over 7 years.
John Ribeiro
ICA Certified coach and 15+ year professional speaker, John helps job seekers in Canada ace every job interview through confidence and accomplishments coaching

A professional resume can:

Get you the right job faster than you could do on your own as you will get more job interviews and job offers
Get you the salary you deserve because the right job that matches you experience pays you what you're worth
Get you promoted faster when internal vacancies open up so that you can accelerate your career and lifestyle
A little known fact
Consider this: every single day you're not working, or at a job that's beneath your experience, you're losing money. Just Google "Average salary for [insert your target job title]. Look at the average salary and divide by 365. That's how much you're losing per day. Even if a professionally written resume reduces your job search by a couple of days, you've made your money back. Also, this resume sets you up for future promotions and opportunities when you get into the right company that you want to target. 

This is an investment in your earning potential

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